A widely used CRM and cloud computing company.
A joint effort by Microsoft, Google and Yahoo to develop and promote a set of shared standards for structured data markup. Content and data that is marked-up is much more accessible to search engines and also allows content to be more easily reused and reformatted.
A software tool that takes content from websites, often for the purpose of reusing the content elsewhere. Duplicated content is penalised by search engines.
Search algorithm
The complex mathematical formulae and rules developed by search engine companies to provide users of their search engines with the most relevant results.
Search term
The word or words entered into a search engine by a user. Also known as “keywords” or “search query”.
A plug-in for the Firefox browser which provides users with information on how websites are performing, for example in terms of their search ranking.
Seasonal content
Content produced to tie-in with particular seasonal events, such as Valentine’s day or Christmas.
The initial distribution of a particular marketing message to a small group of people, often in the hope of priming the intended audience, for example by generating word-of-mouth buzz or initiating viral sharing.
The division of current or potential customers into categories with shared characteristics, for example age, gender, previous buying habits. Segmentation allows marketing messages to be targeted, increasing their effectiveness.
Normally used to refer to how people feel about a particular marketing message, product or brand – i.e. are their feelings towards it positive or negative. Sentiment could also refer to the tone of a piece of content.
Short for “search engine optimisation”. SEO is the professional discipline concerned with improving a website’s performance in search engines, making the page as easy to find and as visible as possible.
Short for “search engine results pages”. SERPs are the pages of results returned by a search engine after a search is run.
The period in which a visitor remains on a website – i.e. the length of time between a person entering and leaving a website.
The act of passing a piece of content or website link to another person, for example by forwarding an email or posting a link on Facebook.
Short URL
A shortened version of a website address used instead of a long and unwieldy address. Both the long and short link will take a user to the same web page. Short URLs are often used on Twitter, where space is limited.
Smart Passive Income
The online marketing and business blog of popular entrepreneur Pat Flynn.
Short-hand for all aspects of using or marketing on social media platforms. The advent of social media has altered the traditional marketing landscape, with marketing often being more about engaging with customers or potential customers than talking “at” them.
Social graph
A model representing all of a person’s online social connections, often used in the context of social media sites such as Facebook.
Social media
Online platforms designed to facilitate communication and content sharing between people who may or may not be connected in real life. Social media is hugely popular and has influenced the evolution of internet technologies. Popular social media sites include Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Social Media Examiner
The popular blog that helps businesses master social media marketing, founded by Michael Stelzner.
Social Media Explorer
The social media and digital marketing agency and blog founded by Jason Falls.
Social optimisation
The act of designing content so that it is both easy to share and likely to be shared. Icons that allow readers to post content directly to social media websites can be added to web pages and blogs.
Social proof
The idea that people’s conceptions of right and wrong are influenced by what other people in their social circle say to be right or wrong, or by what other people do.
Social signals
The consideration of social media by search engines when determining the importance or ranking of a web page. For example, the number of “likes” a page has on Facebook may affect its ranking.
Social Triggers
The massively popular internet marketing strategy blog founded by Derek Halpern.
Soft bounce
The failure to deliver an email due to reason that is normally temporary, such as a full inbox or a server error. Compare to “hard bounce”.
Generally used to refer to unsolicited marketing emails, spam has also come to be used in reference to any online content of low quality with an obvious sales message.
One of several names given to the program used by search engines to discover and index web pages. May also be called “crawler” or “robot”.
Split testing
See “AB Testing”.
A word combined from “spam” and “blogs”. Splogs are blogs on which content is artificially constructed by software that takes content from elsewhere. Their aim is to attract visitors via search engines, normally to generate revenue from advertising.
Sponsored links
A paid-for search result used as a form of advertising.
Any individual or organisation that has an interest in, or who might be affected by, the actions or plans of another organisation.
Stories or storytelling
One of the most powerful content types. Humans have told stories for thousands of years. Building narrative and emotion into your content is an excellent way to engage and motivate readers.
Streaming media
Media such as songs or TV shows that can be watched over the internet without the need to download the entire media file and store it locally.
Sweating your content assets
A term that refers to getting the maximum use out of existing content, for example by reusing it. Older, archived content can still have value. Good content curation should ensure this value is recognised and maximised.
Short for “search experience optimisation”. This is a concept which goes beyond SEO by taking a visitor’s experience of using a website into account in order to plan pages that maximise conversion rates.
Syndicated content
Content from one provider that is made available to websites that have subscribed to receive such content. See “RSS”.