Secure Your
WordPress Website

Out of the box, WordPress security is already quite good.  But there are several little additions and tweaks needed to help protect your site. Nasty bots are always trying to gain access to websites. Every day they look for looking for easy targets.

Don’t let your business be an easy target.

  • Our Own Recipe of Security Fixes

    We take things a bit further and restrict access for files and folders that don’t need to be left open to the public. These  extra patches are above and beyond the standard security protocols and while it’s impossible to 100% prevent unwanted access to any system.  It will make your site a very unappealing target.

  • Block Brute-Force Login Attacks

    • Enforce strong passwords
    • Lock out after how many login failures
    • Lock out after how many forgot password attempts
  • Daily Malware Scans

    • Scan for the HeartBleed vulnerability
    • Scan file contents for backdoors, trojans & suspicious code
    • Scan database for backdoors, trojans & suspicious code
    • Scan posts for known dangerous URLs & suspicious content
    • Scan comments for known dangerous URLs & suspicious content
  • Daily Scans For Suspicious File Changes

    • Scan core files against repository versions for changes
    • Scan theme files against repository versions for changes
    • Scan plugin files against repository versions for changes
  • Update Alerts & Activity Notifications via Email

    Receive email alerts when you need to update a plugin or when someone tries to access your website.

  • Add Two Factor Authentication

    Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for online accounts that require users to provide two forms of identification to log in. Typically, this involves entering a password and then providing a code sent to a user’s phone or generated by an app. 2FA helps prevent unauthorized access to accounts, even if a password is stolen or guessed.

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