World Muay Boran Federation
Membership Website
Membership Website Design Case Study
Membership Website Design Case Study
The World Muay Boran Federation (W.M.B.F) founded many years ago by Grand Master Chinawut Sirisompan aka Master Woody, it’s executive board is made up from it’s founder members, who continue to promote it’s Culture and Heritage World Wide to this day.
The W.M.B.F. wanted a platform to organise and co-ordinate the foundation members around the world. Firstly it should be a source of information for all its members regarding the promotion of Muay Boran. This could be through tournament style events or various seminars held around the world. Secondly the site should allow members to update their club information and student certifications.
We didn’t have a great deal of information to work with for this site so a lot of time was spent on the hypothetical structure of information and how it would need to interact with the other content on the website. We created a structure for blog style information posts, plus an event system that categorised events by type, location as well as by date.
We also developed a two part submission form for clubs to a) download the template and then b) submit it to the website. Because it was unclear who would be adding these details into the website itself we included detailed step by step instructions that were built into the email received by the website from the submission form.
The website met the needs of the W.M.B.F. at the time as they wanted to be online quickly to represent the organization and Muay Boran. As and when they have more information we’ll see if there’s a need to restructure the content, but at the moments it too early to tell.
Thank you so much for your help, we couldn’t have done this so quickly without you. I’ve wanted to do this for years but always thought it was too expensive. Thanks to Hue Marketing we can promote Muay Boran from one single point. Thank you!